Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reinstalling some favorite apps after reinstalling Ubuntu

Previous: Restoring Firefox personalization after re-installing Ubuntu

So, I wanted to reinstall some of the apps I had been using before. But the way I had them scattered around the filesystem was pretty sloppy. Better this time.

Recovering my local wiki

Installed sqlite3 and sqlite ruby support (Instiki depends on them):
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby
Put the wiki under /home/.wiki so that it would not show up in normal directory listings.

Moved the wiki icon to /usr/share/pixmaps to make it consistent with other applications.

Put a wiki icon on the top panel for convenient starting.

For more information about how I've customized Instiki for personal use, see http://kotowanandesu.blogspot.com/2009/08/pimp-my-instiki.html.

Reinstalling Google Earth

Installed Google Earth by following the instructions I documented on this blog at http://kotowanandesu.blogspot.com/2009/09/google-earth-install.html. I downloaded a fresh copy in case there have been any updates since the last time I installed it.

Had a problem this time that I didn't have last time. The installer complained that gtk2 was missing.

Searching for similar problems, I found that some people had installed lib32nss-mdns, and this solved the problem for them. I tried
sudo apt-get install lib32nss-mdns
and ran the installer again.

The console output was:
setup.data/bin/Linux/amd64/setup.gtk2: error while loading
shared libraries: libxml2.so.2: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory
setup.data/bin/Linux/amd64/setup.gtk: error while loading
shared libraries: libSM.so.6: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory
The setup program seems to have failed on amd64
Better, but apparently I forgot to install libxml2 after reinstalling Ubuntu. I found a security notice for 9.04 at http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/USN-815-1 advising an upgrade. I did that and tried
sudo apt-get install libxml2
and it informed me the latest version of libxml2 was already installed. So, that wasn't the problem.

There are many personal blogs out there written by people whose installation worked properly on the first try. I found no help that addresses the problems I'm seeing today.

I ran across a comment by Daniel Holbach buried in a long list of comments on one article that advised the following:
$ sudo apt-get install googleearth-package
$ make-googleearth-package --force
Doubleclick on the resulting .deb file.
I gave that a try, since there was little to lose at this point.

The make spewed hundreds of warning-level messages. The installer proved to be a very long-running process. I left it running during the day and checked on it after work. It worked fine.

This time I put the app in ~/.googleearth so that it would not show up in normal directory listings.

Reinstalling Freemind

Copied my old installation of Freemind from a backup. Referred to to set it up. This time, I put the app in ~/.freemind and set an alias for 'freemind' instead of putting the absolute path in the freemind.desktop file. No problems with this install.

Reinstalling UMLet

A new version of UMLet is available. I downloaded the standalone version and the Eclipse plugin from http://www.umlet.com, version 10.1. I had 10.0 previously. Recovering from a system crash offers all sorts of opportunities for improvement.

I set up the standalone version in the same way as I had set up Freemind. This time, I noticed that UMLet has its own logo. I downloaded the logo from their site and associated it with the app, instead of the icon I came up with before.

Installation of the standalone UMLet consists of unpacking the zip file. The shell script that starts the program already had execute privileges. Convenient. The default directory name is UMLet. I changed it to .umlet. I defined an alias, umlet, in .bash_aliases, ran my .bash_profile and gave it a try.

Didn't work. I took a look at the UMLet.sh file, and learned that it looks for an environment variable, UMLET_HOME. So, they've made things a bit more formal. I added these lines to my .profile:
then copied ~/.umlet/UMLet.sh to ~/.bin/umlet.sh and uncommented the line that changes to the UMLET_HOME directory. Typing umlet at a command prompt started the program properly.

I copied the umlet.desktop file from my backup and changed it to refer to the new logo file:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=UML diagramming tool
and copied the logo file to /usr/share/pixmaps. At this point, UMLet appeared in the gnome menu under Applications > Programming, but the logo image was not displayed. I used Gimp to change it from .jpg to .png. Worked!

Logged out and in and tried to run UMLet from the menu. The launcher was unable to start the child process. It complained that there was no such file or directory as "umlet." I checked .bash_aliases and it looked correct. There must be something about launchers I don't quite understand. I changed the alias to give the absolute path of umlet.sh, logged out and in, and tried again. Worked!

Dropped the jar for the UMLet Eclipse plugin into the Eclipse plugin directory and started Eclipse. Created a UML diagram from Eclipse's New... dialog. Looks good.

Reinstalling Banshee

Ran the command
sudo apt-get install banshee
Banshee appeared in the gnome menu, and started normally. It imported my music files correctly. It played mp3 files correctly. It imported my video files correctly. It played .flv, .mov, .mp4, .mpg, .mpeg correctly.

Next: Shell personalization after reinstalling Ubuntu

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