Sunday, October 3, 2010

Border around images in OpenOffice Impress

Previous: sudo:must be setuid root

When preparing presentations for upcoming conferences, I noticed that images on slides appeared normal in edit mode but were rendered with a border in slide show mode. I Googled for the problem and found this thread on where people described the same issue.

One contriubtor discovered that he could remove the border by choosing Tools > Options... to get the Options dialog, then opening > View in the dialog. In OpenOffice 3.0, a checkbox is presented with the title, "Use hardware acceleration." By unchecking the box, the contributor found the borders disappeared, but anti-aliasing was also disabled.

I found that OpenOffice 3.1 offers two separate checkboxes: One for "Use hardware acceleration" and another for "Anti-aliasing." When I unchecked "Use hardware acceleration" and left "Anti-aliasing" checked, everything worked as expected.

So, one key to solving the problem is to ensure you're using at least OpenOffice 3.1.

Next: Ubuntu 10.04 upgrade on Acer netbook: Basic install